Black Friday Explained

Imported into the UK from our American cousins, Black Friday is a bargain-filled shopping bonanza which kicks off the annual pre-Christmas retail frenzy. For retailers it can be both a blessing and a curse, offering the chance to boost profits – but at what cost? (read more) "Black Friday Explained"

The Internet of Things and How it might Affect Insurance

The Internet of Things In Mark Weiser’s essay, ‘The Computer for the 21st Century’, he comments: “The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it.” This vision is becoming a reality with the emergence of a new breed of hyper tuned-in devices that respond and adapt to our behaviour, and fall under the umbrella term, ‘The Internet of Things’. (read more) "The Internet of Things and How it might Affect Insurance"